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Best of 2024

(albums not necessarily produced this year)

I changed jobs, thank goodness! I learned a lot about AI this year. AI could probably write this for me, but I don't think it would do a very good job.

I've pivoted a bit away from metal into other stuff. (There's still lots of metal on this list though.) I'd like to keep pivoting into different genres to keep my ears sharp, though this will require me to find high-quality sources of reviews. For some reason this is easier for metal than for anything else. I must be looking in the wrong places.

Coming full circle, maybe I can use AI to help me find new music? Though Claude can be a bit uptight in its sensibilities.

I think some of the dancey stuff on this list is especially good. I'm a little embarrassed that one of my favorite albums this year is from 2009, but the re-release was really great.

Select a category of music to filter by.

metal (16 albums)
death metal (10 albums)
electronic (6 albums)
experimental (6 albums)
dance (5 albums)
artsy (4 albums)
black metal (4 albums)
doom (4 albums)
rock (4 albums)
noise (3 albums)
prog (3 albums)
ambient (2 albums)
spacey (2 albums)
post-rock (2 albums)
classical (2 albums)
post-metal (1 album)
folk (1 album)
slowcore (1 album)

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Good albums