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Best of 2021

(albums not necessarily produced this year)

This year, I listened to lots of metal. Again. No surprise there, I guess.

But I also began branching out in some different directions. I tried some artsy electronic music: Magic Oneohtrix Point Never and Rossz Csillag Alatt Született were two of my favorites. I listened to some video game soundtracks and some musicals. And I tried listening to some older albums, like The Mantle, to better my understanding of the greatest hits.

I'd like to continue to branch out in 2022, if I can find the time. I have a feeling that it will be a very busy year...

Select a category of music to filter by.

metal (19 albums)
death metal (9 albums)
black metal (9 albums)
folk (6 albums)
rock (4 albums)
artsy (4 albums)
experimental (4 albums)
post-classical (3 albums)
electronic (3 albums)
post-rock (3 albums)
ambient (2 albums)
shoegaze (2 albums)
emo (2 albums)
prog (2 albums)
soundtrack (1 album)
power metal (1 album)
coffeeshop (1 album)
noise (1 album)
thrash metal (1 album)
technical (1 album)

Best albums

  • Darren Korb / Hades: Original Soundtrack

    Music for concentration, with patient development of brilliant themes.

  • Mors Principium Est / Seven

    A dark prince of an album. Shimmering, technical.

  • Thy Catafalque / Vadak

    Black metal meets jazz, with long spoken word sections. Why isn't this terrible?

  • Venetian Snares / Rossz Csillag Alatt Született

    Dagger-sharp beats mixed with high classical and ludicrous artistic posing. I changed my mind on this album completely.

  • Be'lakor / Stone's Reach

    Masterful rhythms reel us in. The great ones make it look easy.

Great albums

Good albums