One of the most reliable marks of a great album is that it creates such a strong atmosphere that, weeks or months after listening to it, you can still remember what it sounds like. This is even more impressive if the album doesn't quite sound like anything else. Faþir sounds like Faþir, in the same way that Kid A sounds like Kid A. Forndom seems to have complete control of their sound.
So, what does it sound like? This is Swedish folk music...kind of. It says that it is Swedish folk music, but the most emotional parts of the album rely on modern tricks. Listen to the first five seconds of "Yggdrasil" and you should know what I'm talking about. That's a big, modern, electronic swoon. Can't make that sound with a drum. More atmospherics envelop "Hel, jag vet mig vantar." I suppose that this album does sound "folky" in the sense that the vocals are simple and repetitive, almost chantlike. I can imagine someone singing these lyrics in an ancient Swedish ceremony. But everything happening outside of the vocals and perhaps the drums feels 21st century. Is that a bad thing? Absolutely not! I'm not looking for authenticity in music. I'm not a music historian. I just want something that sounds great.
Because of its great atmosphere and soundboards, this album reminds me of something very different: Kiasmos by Kiasmos. Another Scandavian album with great atmosphere. But while Kiasmos makes dance music, which doesn't usually register with me emotionally, Forndom is grounded with powerful folk vocals. I wouldn't say that Faþir is better than Kiasmos, exactly, but I do like the intensity provided by the folk elements.
At moments, this album is a bit slow. A kinder way to say this would be to remark that it moves at a thoughtful pace. I wish that it had a bit more variety in sound, so that it stood up better to repeat listens. But overall, this is a gem.
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