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A rush of sound from a chorus of horns and synthesizer, melted together into a compelling whole.

This is a two-piece album, one composed by Kyle Bobby Dunn and the other by Wayne Robert Thomas. Neither track has much in the way of melodic development. The first, “The Searchers,” is basically the same volume and tempo for its twenty-minute duration. The second is quieter and more melancholy but moves in equally large arcs.

And yet somehow, despite the lack of things to talk about, this is one of my favorite ambient albums of 2018? The first track in particular is exhilarating to listen to with good headphones at a loud volume: it’s like standing under a waterfall of triumphant noise. Seriously, I find it so difficult to guess what I will or won’t like in this genre. Sometimes it bores me and sometimes it just lights me on fire.


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